Message from chancellor
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Message from Chancellor
There’s nothing like a warm greeting!
The beginning of a new semester is usually thrilling. Nothing makes me happier than seeing our campus brimming with energy, humor, and a feeling of purpose. It's an indisputable sensation.
Maryland State University will welcome you with open arms. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced. We love you for everything that makes you unique. Then we challenge you to be even more. To maintain an open mind. To appreciate the trials that lie ahead.
In addition to working hard in class, I encourage each of you to get involved. stepping outside of your comfort zone. because you see a future that you never thought was conceivable, to develop into a greater version of yourself than you are right now.
Developing a sense of connectedness also helps people achieve their goals and feel good about themselves. Our MU family helps one another, looks out for one another, and encourages one another to achieve ever-higher goals. And no one will be cheering for you louder than me as you live out your life's mission.
So here are my wishes for your upcoming academic year: Work wisely and Celebrate. Learn from your missteps. Take care of yourself and others around you.